You can donate to the Foundation through PayPal
by clicking the button above
OR you can send a check directly to:
Highland Corporation
Charitable Foundation
PO Box 190
Hohenwald, TN 38462
Thank you!

100% of your donation goes toward helping
people and non-profit organizations
that impact the communities we serve.
Why we do what we do...
Our communities are so important to us. I love seeing the impact we can make through Highland Corporation Charitable Foundation in the lives of the people around us. One of my favorite parts is being able to help the local schools in our community. ----Seth Blanks
I love it when one of our employee request assistance for someone they have heard is in need. I can tell that they are genuinely concerned and care!
----Bobby Page

"We are very grateful for the support of local companies, such as Fast Stop, and would not survive if not for the generous support of individuals, churches and businesses in Maury county."
-- Angela Slack, Executive Director of Center of Hope